The merger of Jira Software and Jira Work Management

One becomes two: Atlassian merges Jira Software and Jira Work Management into a unified platform called Jira, responding to the needs of the modern working world. There is a demand for flexible, customizable and powerful tools that help teams achieve their goals efficiently and complete projects successfully. We shed light on the background and benefits of this merger and show you why the new Jira is the ideal solution for modern teams.

What is the "new Jira" all about?

"The new Jira combines the best and most popular features of Jira Software and Jira Work Management into a single, powerful project management tool."

Atlassian has done its homework. The integration of Jira Software and Jira Work Management provides organizations with a single, centralized platform where all teams – whether developers, designers or managers – can collaborate, coordinate their work and track their progress. This is Atlassian’s response to the increasing demand for centralization and core software that brings together all the threads of a well-networked company.

This step simplifies and thus actively promotes cooperation between individual teams from different areas. Thanks to improved efficiency and collaboration, already good results become great results that secure the company’s long-term success and motivate teams to continue giving their best.

Why merge Jira Software and Jira Work Management?

As is so often the case, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Therefore, the reasons for merging Jira Software and Jira Work Management are as diverse as they are obvious:

Standardized platform

Engineers, designers, developers, managers … – they all pursue a goal and are part of a project. The new Jira is characterized by this guiding principle: all teams now share a common platform to coordinate their goals and priorities, follow each other’s work and work together even better. This promotes transparency and acceptance and improves efficiency, as from now on all parts of a large project interlock flawlessly.

Improved management

Managers set goals more easily, align teams with priorities and track the current status much more easily than before. This facilitates the strategic planning of projects, their implementation and ultimately their successful completion in the shortest possible time.

Increased flexibility & adaptability

Although already widely praised, the new Jira is far more flexible and customizable than Jira Software and Jira Work Management before, making it more adaptable to the specific needs of different teams. Although individual teams can customize their entire interface, all work groups can still be networked with each other.

New functions at a glance

"The integration of Jira Software and Jira Work Management brings a variety of new features that improve both teamwork and productivity."

Integrated collaboration & communication functions

The new Jira offers enhanced collaboration and communication features that enable cross-functional connectivity and asynchronous working across different time zones. This is particularly important for global teams that are spread across different time zones and still need to work together efficiently. An absolute must for companies that identify themselves as global players and want to operate in worldwide markets.

AI-supported functions

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) brings a range of new functions that make everyday work much easier:

  • AI Work Breakdown: This function provides suggestions for splitting epics into issues or issues into subtasks. This facilitates the planning and organization of projects and saves valuable time.
  • AI automation: Atlassian Intelligence creates automation rules based on natural language input, which greatly simplifies the creation and implementation of workflows.
  • Natural language to JQL: Users can ask questions in everyday language and the AI converts them into Jira Query Language (JQL).
  • Generative AI in the editor: This function enables the creation and improvement of content in descriptions or comments by asking the AI for ideas or adjustments to the tonality.
  • AI summaries: Coming soon, this feature summarizes issue comments and provides users with a quicker overview.

New visualization & coordination options

The new version of Jira offers enhanced visualization and coordination options that simplify the management and planning of projects:

  • List view in all projects
    This view enables faster and more flexible management of work and is particularly useful for teams that prefer tabular visualization.
  • Inline editing for spreadsheets
    An excellent function to manage backlogs and updates of tasks directly in the list view.
  • Mass processing
    This function ensures the efficient assignment of several tickets to the same person in the list view, which speeds up work considerably.
  • Shared publication dates in calendars
    Projects can be displayed as calendars with tasks organized by due date, which improves planning and transparency.

Increased transparency

Speaking of transparency: Jira offers extended transparency functions for users of the Premium and Enterprise versions. Tasks from different boards, projects and filters can be combined in a comprehensive view. This makes it much easier to monitor and coordinate projects and makes jumping between different browser tabs a relic of the past.

Extensive integrations with Confluence & Loom

Integration with Confluence and Loom promotes knowledge sharing and makes asynchronous collaboration just as effective as real-time teamwork. Brainstorming sessions can capture and prioritize ideas on Confluence whiteboards, which are then converted into Jira tasks. Smart Links enable the embedding of Loom videos in Jira, allowing information to be shared efficiently without having to leave Jira.

Jira Software und Jira Work Management fusionieren

Subscriptions & costs

There is no price change for existing Jira Software users. You can use the new Jira version immediately. Jira Work Management users will be automatically migrated to the new Jira version from the beginning of 2025. As of May 1, 2024, you will no longer be able to purchase new subscriptions for Jira Work Management. However, you can migrate to the new Jira version independently from August 2024. Existing Jira Software and Jira Work Management subscriptions will be merged to make the transition seamless.

Why the new Jira uses and offers opportunities

The new Jira is not just a combination of two powerful tools, but a revolutionary development in project management. By integrating powerful new features, AI-powered automations and enhanced collaboration capabilities, Jira becomes a platform that enables teams to work together more efficiently and effectively. It simplifies work, improves transparency and promotes better coordination and target tracking within the company.

Advantages for managers

Managers benefit above all from the increased transparency and improved reporting functions. The ability to set and track goals directly in Jira facilitates strategic planning and success monitoring. The integration of AI-supported automation and reports saves time and resources by automating routine tasks and simplifying complex analyses.

Advantages for teams

Teams benefit from improved collaboration and extended collaboration options. The new communication functions and integration with tools such as Confluence and Loom promote the exchange of knowledge and collaboration in real time and asynchronous working. The new visualization options and enhanced goal tracking keep teams focused and aligned, ensuring their efficiency and success.

Migrate to the new Jira with Polygran

Are you ready to improve your project management methods and get the best out of your teams? Now is the right time at the latest. Because you have the unique opportunity to switch to the new Jira version and benefit from all the advantages of both tools.

Equipped with a comprehensive range of new functions and improvements, the new Jira is ideally equipped to meet the requirements of modern teams. Whether you work in software development, design or management, Jira provides the tools you need to successfully manage your projects and achieve your goals.

Let's usher in the next era of project management together.

Book a free, no-obligation appointment today to find out more about the benefits of Jira and the changeover process.

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