Category: Working at Polygran

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Meet Daniela – Insights into the digital working day at Polygran

The new "Corona Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance"-now Home Office applies to all who can make it happen. For me and my team at Polygran, working from home has long since become a routine - and this routine has been optimized year after year. Polygran GmbH is a company that

Tips for a super productive home office

The home office could be great - but only if you maintain productivity and a healthy work-life balance! Below we have compiled a number of great tips and tricks for working at home. Follow your morning routine Walk into the kitchen in your boxers and t-shirt, grab a cup of

We are Polygran

Over the years, our corporate values have evolved from our way of working. That brings us together as individual people: We have things in common that make us stronger. We are particularly proud of this. We cultivate our values, collect stories about them and are able to inspire new colleagues


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