Category: Atlassian

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Jira vs. Trello – a comparison of project management tools

Jira and Trello - both are considered powerful tools to realize project management and task management within your teams. While Jira impresses with its extensive functions, Trello offers an intuitive introduction to the world of organizational tools for companies. But is a final decision in favor of one of the

Confluence Collaboration: Team success through shared knowledge

Welcome to the world where knowledge is not only power, but also sparks passion! If you're tired of fishing for information in the depths of outdated file folders, Confluence is your ticket to efficient collaboration. In this blog post, we discover how your team can break down barriers and redefine

Project success with Jira: more productivity, less stress

In this article, we will show you how you can optimize your project management with the help of Jira. Learn how to define your work processes, improve communication, use resources efficiently and lead your team successfully. Discover the best methods and techniques to successfully complete your projects and increase productivity

Atlassian Cloud: The perfect solution for your company’s future!

Atlassian also offers its software tools in the cloud. This gives you as a company many advantages for the future: security, up-to-dateness, flexibility. In this article, we look at the advantages and disadvantages of the cloud.

Atlassian Cloud vs. data center: A tricky decision.

Are you therefore faced with the decision between Atlassian Cloud and Data Center and are unsure which system is best suited to your company? We will show you the benefits of the Atlassian Cloud and Data Center and the functions and resources available for your teams. We also support you


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