We make the choice easier for you and show you which system is best suited to your company.

Atlassian Cloud vs. data center: A tricky decision.

On February 15, 2024, Atlassian will discontinue support and updates for Atlassian Server products.

Are you therefore faced with the decision between Atlassian Cloud vs Data Center and are unsure which system is best suited to your company? We will show you the benefits of the Atlassian Cloud and Data Center and the functions and resources available for your teams. We also support you with the migration of your data and show you how you can best use Atlassian products such as Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket to optimize your processes and satisfy your users. Let’s find out together whether Atlassian Cloud or Data Center is the best choice for your company!

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1 Atlassian Cloud vs Data Center

When deciding between Atlassian Cloud and Data Center, companies are faced with a tricky choice. Both options offer a variety of products and resources that are essential for teams and management. Atlassian products such as Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket are popular with many users and offer a wealth of apps and service options. The Atlassian Cloud is particularly suitable for small to medium-sized companies that want to take advantage of a cloud-based system, but of course also for companies in the enterprise environment. For large companies with higher security, compliance requirements or scaling needs, the Atlassian Data Center may be more suitable. A thorough cost analysis should be taken into account, as investing in the right solution can pay off in the long term. In this article, we will take a closer look at the aspects of flexibility, scalability, security, integration with other tools and platforms and performance comparison to help you make your decision.

2. cost analysis: why investing in the right solution pays off

An important consideration when deciding between Atlassian Cloud and Data Center is the cost analysis. It is worth investing in the right solution to save resources in the long term. With Atlassian Cloud, you can plan your costs better as there is monthly billing and no additional costs for hardware or maintenance. Atlassian Cloud also offers the advantage of automatic updates and upgrades as well as easy scaling as required. On the other hand, Data Center can be useful if you have special requirements or need to manage a large user base of 500 users or more. Individual customizations are also possible here and you retain full control over your data and security. In any case, you should carry out a thorough analysis of your needs in order to make the best choice for your company.

3. flexibility and scalability: How well do both systems adapt to your company?

One of the most important questions when choosing between Atlassian Cloud vs Data Center is the flexibility and scalability of both systems. While Atlassian Cloud enables quick setup and easy management of products such as Jira, Confluence or Bitbucket, Data Center offers more extensive resources for larger companies. The cloud version can be quickly customized to meet the company’s needs, while the enterprise product offers even greater adaptability. If you plan to expand your teams or add additional apps in the near future, the Data Center might be the better option. It also offers more options for migrating existing data and management services. However, it is important to note that the scalability of the system is not only limited to the product itself, but also depends on the security. When comparing Atlassian Cloud vs. Data Center, you should always take a look at the aspects of security and support – because these factors can be decisive when deciding on the right system for your company.

4 Focus on security: Which system offers the best protection for your data?

Security is a decisive factor when choosing between Atlassian Cloud and Data Center. Both systems offer extensive security functions, but there are a few differences to note. Atlassian Cloud provides a secure environment for your data with encryption of data transfers and storage in geographically separated data centers. In addition, all Atlassian products in the cloud are fully compliant with HIPAA, SOC 2 Type II and other industry standards. However, if you are working at enterprise level, the Data Center version offers additional security features such as advanced user management, application-level access control and dedicated clusters to minimize downtime. Regardless of which option you choose, you can rest assured that Atlassian will provide you with resources and support to ensure the security of your data. With a wide range of apps and integrations, you can get the best of both worlds – the flexibility of the cloud and the control of a self-hosted system – without compromising on security.

5. integration with other tools and platforms: Which option enables a seamless connection to your existing processes?

Seamless integration with other tools and platforms is an important factor when choosing between Atlassian Cloud and Data Center. Both systems offer a variety of products and resources that can be used by teams to optimize their workflows. With Atlassian Cloud, users can access a wide range of apps, including Jira Software, Confluence and Bitbucket. These products enable teams to complete their project management, documentation and code management tasks more efficiently. With data centers, the focus is on scalability – companies, especially in the enterprise environment, have the opportunity to handle larger workloads and provide more resources for their teams. Furthermore, Atlassian Cloud’s enterprise product offers additional security features such as single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) to ensure better protection against data loss or theft. Overall, it is important that companies consider their specific requirements and carefully consider which option best suits their existing processes – whether by migrating to the cloud or investing in a robust on-premises system such as Data Center.

6 Performance comparison: How fast and responsive is Atlassian Cloud vs Data Center?

An important factor when choosing between Atlassian Cloud and Data Center is performance. Both options offer fast and responsive systems, but there are differences in speed and stability. The Atlassian Cloud is hosted by Atlassian itself and offers fast performance for small to medium-sized teams with limited IT resources. TheData Center option, on the other hand, is an enterprise solution designed for larger teams of 500 users or more that rely on powerful products such as Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket. Thanks to its scalability, it can also meet the requirements of growing companies.
Tests have shown that both systems perform well in terms of performance. The Atlassian Cloud offers a high response speed when loading pages and apps as well as when processing data. The Data Center option is also characterized by solid performance – especially when it comes to large volumes of user data or complex workflows.
However, it is worth noting that both options can also have a potentially negative impact on performance – for example, by migrating or adding new apps or functions to the system. To avoid problems, you should ensure that you have sufficient resources to manage your chosen software option.
Overall, the performance comparison between Atlassian Cloud and Data Center clearly shows that both options offer powerful tools to support your business process. While the Atlassian Cloud is ideal for small to medium-sized teams, the Data Center option offers a powerful enterprise solution. However, before you decide, you should carefully consider your business requirements and ensure that you have sufficient resources to support your chosen software option.

7 Availability & downtime: Do both options guarantee high uptime?

Availability and downtimes are decisive factors when choosing between Atlassian Cloud and Data Center. Although both options guarantee high uptime, Data Center offers higher reliability due to its scalable architecture and tightly controlled environment. Companies with high demands on resource management, security or compliance can benefit from the advantages of the data center. However, managing data center products requires additional technical skills and resources compared to the Atlassian Cloud. While the Atlassian Cloud is easier to implement, there are limitations in terms of viewing apps and custom integrations, as well as migration options for Bitbucket Server or Jira Service Management. Nevertheless, the Atlassian Cloud remains the preferred choice for smaller teams or companies without specific security or scalability requirements. Regardless of which option you choose, Atlassian offers support options and community support to help you with problems and ensure your software is always up to date.

8. meeting compliance requirements - which system is better suited?

An important factor in the decision between Atlassian Cloud and Data Center is the fulfillment of compliance requirements. Both systems offer a number of functions that enable companies to achieve their compliance goals. However, there are differences here that should be taken into account when choosing the right system. While Atlassian Cloud offers a wide range of security features and is certified to meet various standards (e.g. SOC2, ISO 27001), Data Center can meet even higher requirements. With Data Center, companies gain more control over their data and can make individual adjustments to meet specific compliance needs.

Another important consideration in terms of compliance is the management of resources and users. Atlassian Cloud offers an easy way to manage user accounts and integration with other apps and products such as Jira or Confluence. On the other hand, Data Center may require more management resources for the deployment and migration of data. It is important to carefully consider these aspects to ensure that your organization meets all the necessary requirements.

Ultimately, the choice between Atlassian Cloud and Data Center depends on your company’s priorities and specific security and compliance requirements. Both options offer different advantages and disadvantages – it’s best to find out more about both systems before making a decision! We will be happy to help you find the right solution for your specific requirements.


Having looked at various aspects of Atlassian Cloud and Data Center in the previous sections, we can now draw a conclusion. It is important to emphasize that the decision for one or the other system depends on many factors and there can be no blanket answer as to which is better. Atlassian Cloud offers many advantages such as easy setup and administration as well as the ability to access various products such as Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket. There are also a variety of apps and resources available to customize the system to your needs. However, there are also limitations in terms of security and compliance requirements, especially for companies in the enterprise sector. Data Center, on the other hand, offers higher security options as well as better scalability and performance advantages for larger teams. However, migrating from Atlassian Cloud to Data Center can be time-consuming and may require additional resources. Overall, you should consider your specific requirements for the system and carefully weigh up which option is best for your company.

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